The P-51 Mustang is a four channel warbird trainer that will help you discover the flight characteristics of a warbird. However we wanted to eliminate the scale stall tendencies that warbirds often have. The wing mounted landing gear will enable you to learn landing tail-dragger techniques and perfect the classic “touch and go” on a calm evening. Although fast and nimble, this pony will slow down to a stall and not drop a wing tip. Our hope with this design is that it will give you the security to push the limits, fly a little lower, and discover the joys that a great scale warbird can provide.
P-51 Mustang
SKU: 0456
CG: 70mm
Wingspan: 1016mm
Dry Weight: 453g
CH: 4ch
Motor: 810kv
Propeller: 9X6
ESC: 30amp
Servo: 4X9g
Battery: 2200mah 3s or 4s